Workshop Day 1

Day 1 Introduction session 1 (2 hours)

Phenomena to elicit student ideas and engagement.  Metre stick experiment

  • Cognitive conflict    video 2           5 minutes 49 seconds

Predict explain observe and re explain

  • Social Construction

Small group (pair then pair-pair discussions involving  demonstrating repeats and sharing observations and explanations) Then teacher led dialogue. Eliciting group responses and using ideas to guide whole class discussion.

Bridging and metacognition   video 3    4 minutes 10 seconds

What do you think you learned? How did that happen? What did you find hard? What did you find easy?

What if? type questions leading to next episodes of learning.

Day 1 Session 2 (2 hours)

4 Big questions to guide balance between Knowledge and Enquiry

  • What exists?
  • How do things happen?
  • How do we come to know?
  • What should we do with this knowledge?

Phases of moon 

Concrete preparation Making clear distinction between observe, infer and explaining the evidence that supports the inference.

Creating a model to explain the observations and  inference.

What must exist in the model so we can monitor and evaluate its explanatory power?

Discussion of these two propositions may well be needed to successfully guide model making

Half of the Moon is always illuminated by the Sun but this is always a different half every day.

The same half of the Moon always faces the Earth.

Cognitive conflict will arise within student groups and between when the models are reported back to the whole class. Social construction will also happen during group work and during whole class reporting.

Metacognition will involve monitoring and evaluating the fit of the models to the observations. Also planning additions to the models e.g why do we have a curved boundary between the dark and light.

Bridging to Earth and other solar system objects having phases

Day 1 Session 3  (2 hours)

Analemma 2D to 3D modelling

Concrete preparation 

Description of the variables of the photographs.

Again making a clear distinction between observe, infer and explaining the evidence that supports the inference.

Cognitive conflict

Adding analemma to a 2D model to explain the observations and  inferences.

Social construction

What must exist in the model so we can monitor and evaluate its explanatory power?

Discussion of the need for strategic direct instruction e.g orbit and tilt of the earth during a year.


Extending and generalising to 3D model  explaining all places on Earth







Discussion of the necessity for a model to successfully include all observations in a coherent manner. Then the thought experiment as a formative and summative assessment. (Open book assessment of max 20 minutes. Students create A3 sheet of annotated diagrams and explanations which are then scanned. Not needed in teacher workshop) Then class discussion for a lesson  and then assessment repeated next lesson without an open book.

Then post assessment Metacognition and Bridging

Planning for Day 2