I have been a user of the open source html 5 packaging tools https://h5p.org/ for some time.
These tools can create interesting online interactive learning tools.
Question types e.g true false, multi-choice, drag word into sentence, blank fill etc.
Interactive videos and interactive books are my most used ways of setting the context for these interactions.
Then I was informed about the AI supported Smart Import
and negotiated a two week 30 imports free trial.
First experiment was to use this DNA replication you tube video.
and use Smart Import to create an interactive book. Took 4 minutes and this is the result.
A transcript, glossary, 15 simple Flash cards, 28 question quiz, drag the 10 words into a sentence, 9 more advanced concept flash cards, summary and then a completion page.
Then I tried out the text import with booklets I had written for the IB Biology syllabus that has last exams this year. You can see some of the results here.
https://abceducation.ch/pressbooks/topic1/ and https://abceducation.ch/pressbooks/topic7/
each section has Practice exercises at the end (created by h5p Smart Import with only a little editing).
In the imports I was allowed, the texts I had written created 30 interactive books with all of the interactions I outlined in the first experiment. So a total of more than 1000 questions of different types and 1000 Flash cards.
This all took less than an hour including uploading of the h5p packages to my online Pressbooks.
This is a very major workload reducer for teachers and if or when the next lockdown comes, it could be a life saver. Groups of teachers could work together to add quality control and pedagogical expertise and let the AI do the slog work of creating the tools. They are very easy to edit and control. The h5p.org site is open to all for free.
I now have the dilemma that I would like to update all my booklets to the new IB Bio syllabus but h5p.com (their commercial wing) want 1200 US Dollars for a year account with a publishing platform for 3 Authors with the Smart Import. I wonder if 2 Teachers would want to share the costs and get the benefits of quickly authoring their own online interactive tools. If so get in touch.